tushar-upadhyay profile

Hi, I’m Tushar

As a frontend developer, my expertise lies in creating seamless and intuitive user experiences. I specialize in using cutting-edge technologies to produce high-quality web applications. Specifically, I have vast knowledge of JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJs, TypeScript, Redux-toolkit and Astro , which allow me to build complex and dynamic applications with ease.

Projects (6)

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E-commerce Website + Payment Gateway

A modern, user-friendly e-commerce platform with a secure payment gateway, offering seamless shopping experiences.

React.jsNode.jsStripeTailwind CSS


A web app enabling tech creators to transform their code into visually appealing and shareable images.

JavaScriptTypeScriptNext.jsStrapiTailwind CSS

Bhagavad Gita

A beautifully designed, interactive web app that brings the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to life with a modern UI and engaging user experience.

JavaScriptNext.jsAxiosTailwind CSSFramer MotionReact QueryShadcn UI

Logic Board

A versatile drawing canvas application where users can import images, switch to dark mode, and save their creations as images.

TypeScriptNext.jsUUIDTailwind CSSShadcn UI

Get in touch

Email me at tusharupadhyay690@gmail.com tusharupadhyay690@gmail.com link